outubro 20, 2013

Os caminhos da EU e os programas ideológicos de cinco "Estrela"

Só um excerto para ver do que gasta a "Casa Comum Europeia" e o que os fidalgos que para lá elegemos vão fazendo. Uma puberdade organizada por esta esquerda que nos vai permitindo viver "em liberdade estando presos" (como dizia Pessoa).

Children aged 0-4 should be informed about: “enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body”, “early childhood masturbation”, “different family relationships”, “the right to explore gender identities”, “the right to explore nakedness and the body, to be curious”, etc. and they should develop “curiosity regarding own and others‘ bodies” and “a positive attitude towards different lifestyles”.
Children aged 4-6 should be informed about “enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body”, “early childhood masturbation”, “same-sex relationships”, “sexual feelings (closeness, enjoyment, excitement) as a part of all human feelings ”,“different kinds of (family) relationship”, “different concepts of a family”, and should develop “respect” for those different lifestyles and concepts.
Children aged 6-9 should go on learning about “enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body (masturbation/self-stimulation)”, but they also should be informed about “different methods of conception” and “the basic idea ofcontraception (it is possible to plan and decide about your family)”
Children aged 9-12 should be informed about “first sexual experience”, “orgasm”, “masturbation”, and should learn to “make a conscious decision to have sexual experiences or not” and “use condoms and contraceptives effectively”.

1 comentário:

Unknown disse...

No meu tempo as coisas não eram assim! Exijo também ter aulas de educação sexual (coisa que nunca tive), especialmente aulas práticas! Isso, claro, só com uma professora jeitosa. :)