Depois da historinha "dos dois pais" e "duas mães", antes da votação miserável que hoje teve lugar num local cada vez mais repugnante, com gente pouco recomendável e ignorante, hoje voltou à carga com a "violência contra homossexuais na Europa".
Não disse naturalmente de onde vem a violência. Não é necessário lembrar o caso de Carlos Castro. A violência vem dos próprios homossexuais: a maioria dos homossexuais que se queixa foi agredido pelos companheiros ou em tricas nos "convívios" doentios fortuitos que eles procuram em ambientes de grande depravação moral.
Uma das causas da decadência moral, intelectual, económica e de valores neste país é a própria comunicação social.
Adenda: Talvez esta nova história da violência venha de "surveys" como este feitos à medida para dar os resultados que os LGBT gostam de ter para avançar a "sua causa" à custa da mentira e da mistificação. Basta abrir uma linha telefónica ou caixa do correio a convidar os "discriminados" a exaltar queixinhas repetidas.
For a more comprehensive critique of the methodology, we refer to our previous blog entry. As a summary it can be said that the Study is not based on any verifiable facts at all, but retains the subjective perceptions of anonymous respondents identifying themselves as gay, lesbian, transsexual, intersexual, or otherwise “diversely oriented”. There was no firewall to prevent a participant from sending multiple responses.
This will subsequently be used as a basis for a push for novel legislation that might confer a special status to all “sexual minorities”, thus effectively reducing all other persons to the status of second class citizens who are less deserving of protection, but always placed under a pre-emptive suspicion of being potential “homophobes” or “discriminators”.
The FRA’s LGBT Survey raises more questions than it answers. The most pressing of these is whether the European taxpayer should continue funding this agency. In this context it should be noted that the Survey reportedly cost 370.000 Euro, of which a considerable part was used to cross-subsidize ILGA-Europe, a fake “non-governmental organization”, whose task it was to mobilize their constituency to “tell their story” as “discrimination victims”.
Adenda: Talvez esta nova história da violência venha de "surveys" como este feitos à medida para dar os resultados que os LGBT gostam de ter para avançar a "sua causa" à custa da mentira e da mistificação. Basta abrir uma linha telefónica ou caixa do correio a convidar os "discriminados" a exaltar queixinhas repetidas.
For a more comprehensive critique of the methodology, we refer to our previous blog entry. As a summary it can be said that the Study is not based on any verifiable facts at all, but retains the subjective perceptions of anonymous respondents identifying themselves as gay, lesbian, transsexual, intersexual, or otherwise “diversely oriented”. There was no firewall to prevent a participant from sending multiple responses.
This will subsequently be used as a basis for a push for novel legislation that might confer a special status to all “sexual minorities”, thus effectively reducing all other persons to the status of second class citizens who are less deserving of protection, but always placed under a pre-emptive suspicion of being potential “homophobes” or “discriminators”.
The FRA’s LGBT Survey raises more questions than it answers. The most pressing of these is whether the European taxpayer should continue funding this agency. In this context it should be noted that the Survey reportedly cost 370.000 Euro, of which a considerable part was used to cross-subsidize ILGA-Europe, a fake “non-governmental organization”, whose task it was to mobilize their constituency to “tell their story” as “discrimination victims”.
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