julho 04, 2024

A França

Pela liberdade, pela lei e ordem aplicada a todos, pelo direito a usufruir da vida, pelo direito à segurança, pelo direito a não ter medo de andar na rua, de ensinar sem ser decapitado, contra o terrorismo, contra o discurso de ódio, contra a discriminação, contra o racismo, contra o contrabando de droga, contra o islamismo, contra o anti-semitismo, contra o vandalismo e as pilhagens, pela soberania do estado sobre todo o território, pelos direitos das mulheres, pelo direito dos franceses à habitação e à saúde ... a França tem que votar Le Pen ou esperar por Carlos Martel.

Não se compreende como a França Insubmissa, uma coligação de esquerda radical de aspirantes a tiranos, Estalinista-Maoista e de islamistas, unida pelo ódio (ódio a judeus, a brancos, à liberdade, aos cristãos, à propriedade) obtenha quase 30% de votos.

I am 26 years old, blonde, with light eyes, and I have always lived in the 6th arrondissement of Lyon, which is thought of as the poshest area in Lyon, and my daily life has become unbearable. I write this because, ten years ago, I could go out with my friends in the evening, at any hour, without being bothered, insulted, followed, or stabbed. 


As for myself, on a regular basis, men follow me, insult me because I refuse to talk back or because I say I have a boyfriend. One day, one spit on me. More and more, I am whistled at like a dog, or "ksksks"'d like I am a cat. Acts of this nature have happened to me perhaps thirty times in the past year


Every single one of the actions I mentioned (and they are only a part of what we have gone through) is the fact of men of sub-Saharan African or North African origin. A white man has never behaved towards me the way they have. Is it racist to call out what my daily life has become as a woman, because of immigration? Is my reality, my daily life, racist? Am I not as legitimate as any other person to call out traumatising acts of violence, just because they are done by foreigners or immigrants? To be clear, I am not talking about men in general, but specifically men, sometimes underage, who are of immigrant background.  

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