junho 13, 2016

Uma verdade inconveniente

Gun Violence is Not a Republican Problem, It’s a Democratic Problem

Obama’s America is broken, the rest of the country isn’t.

Daniel Greenfiel

Obama won every major city in the election, except for Jacksonville and Salt Lake City. And the higher the death rate, the bigger his victory.
He won New Orleans by 80 to 17 where the murder rate is ten times higher than the national average. He won Detroit, where the murder rate of 53 per 100,000 people is the second highest in the country and twice as high as any country in the world, including the Congo and South Africa. He won it 73 to 26. And then he celebrated his victory in Chicago where the murder rate is three times the statewide average.
These places aren't America. They're Obamerica.

Democratic leaders and machines, combined with social workers and justice crusaders have run Obamerica into the ground. Obamerican cities used to be the homes of industry and progress. Now they're places where young Black and Hispanic men kill each other in growing numbers.

1 comentário:

Bilder disse...

Check http://thelastgreatstand.com/2014/05/28/how-bilderberg-made-the-worlds-favorite-meat-puppet-obama/