dezembro 28, 2012

Jesusalém: Cidade Santa

Archaeologists have discovered a 2,750-year-old temple along with a cache of sacred artifacts, providing rare insight into religious practices at the time, the Israeli Antiquities Authority announced Wednesday.

The latest excavation has revealed a brand new structure, according to the directors, with massive walls and a wide, east-facing entrance, which conform to the tradition of temple construction in the ancient Near East. The archeologists stress that "the find of the sacred structure together with the accompanying cache of sacred vessels, and especially the significant coastal influence evident in the anthropomorphic figurines, still require extensive research."

Such finds are rare because alternative ritual practices were banned after the construction of the First Temple in Jerusalem by King Solomon about 3000 years ago, according to archaeological estimates.
The directors believe the site must have existed "prior to the religious reforms throughout the kingdom at the end of the monarchic period (at the time of Hezekiah and Isaiah), which abolished all ritual sites, concentrating ritual practices solely at the Temple in Jerusalem."

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3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Bom, depois de já terem descoberto o suposto túmulo de Jesus e de José, já acredito em tudo...

Lura do Grilo disse...

Cada escavação apenas confirma a Bíblia. Quanto ao túmulo de Jesus nenhum historiador sério o confirmou.

Anónimo disse...

Mas lembro-me de ter visto a notícia... no túmulo estava lá o nome "Yeshua bar Yosefa" (Jesus filho de José). Naturalmente existiam muitos Jesuses filhos de Josés naqueles tempos.