fevereiro 07, 2015

Muçulmano in-chief

e usurpador Obama ... é um ignorante de monta e acima de tudo um inqualificável estúpido.
Bishop Jackson To Obama: ‘Frankly Sir, You Ought To Close Your Mouth’
Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/bishop-jackson-obama-frankly-sir-try-closing-mouth/#o0shytthbkGt4x17.99

A Jihad watch explica como o islão considera legítimo queimar alguém vivo: está legitimado no corão que o ISIS cumpre escrupulosamente.

And then there is this story from Muhammad’s conquest of Khaybar: “Kinana b. al-Rabi`, who had the custody of the treasure of B. al-Nadir, was brought to the apostle who asked him about it. He denied that he knew where it was. A Jew came (T. was brought) to the apostle and said that he had seen Kinana going round a certain ruin every morning early. When the apostle said to Kinana, ‘Do you know that if we find you have it I shall kill you?’ he said Yes. The apostle gave orders that the ruin was to be excavated and some of the treasure was found. When he asked him about the rest he refused to produce it, so the apostle gave orders to al-Zubayr b. al-Awwam, ‘Torture him until you extract what he has,’ so he kindled a fire with flint and steel on his chest until he was nearly dead. Then the apostle delivered him to Muhammad b. Maslama and he struck off his head, in revenge for his brother Mahmud.” (Ibn Ishaq 515).

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Claro que, uma vez mais, aqui trata-se dum problema de interpretação do Alcorão. Não dizem o mesmo em relação aos que interpretam literalmente a Bíblia, principalmente as atrocidades relatadas no Antigo Testamento?