fevereiro 20, 2017

O preço das fake news e da informação politizada

... é grande quando os mídia são confrontados directamente com as suas barbaridades. Parece haver nos mídia a presunção que, ao abrigo da 1a emenda, são vacas sagradas e tudo se lhes pode aturar sem reagir.

Podem ter comprado uma guerra que lhes custará milhões.

A C(Crescent, Communist, Clinton)NN está em apuros.

CNN falls sharply in ratings after election; Fox News grows

CNN has seen its ratings fall 19 percent from 946,000 to 765,000. MSNBC dropped even more – 32 percent – from 825,000 to 559,000.
During primetime, Fox News has held its audience at about 2.9 million viewers before and after the election.
CNN dropped from 1.65 million to 960,000, a 42 percent fall off while MSNBC fell a comparable 38 percent, from 1.55 million to 959,000.


Fox News absolutely crushed CNN and MSNBC in Inauguration Day ratings


In viral tweet to Trump, CNN offers alternative fact to falsely suggest it tied Fox News in inauguration ratings


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